Politics can be fun.
You can accomplish more at work and play, in your community, and in your world by using the strategy and tactics of politics with integrity and honor. Learn how in these pages.
Read MoreYou can accomplish more at work and play, in your community, and in your world by using the strategy and tactics of politics with integrity and honor. Learn how in these pages.
Read MorePolitics is how human beings play the game of life. We communicate what we want, others do the same, and we negotiate what we are willing to do to get what we want.
Read MorePower: some crave it; some profess to despise it; all have it. Learn how to use power, exert influence and maintain authority with a positive approach.
Read MoreTo understand how to use positive politics in any situation, consider the actors, values, forms, and processes involved.
Actors use processes to make and implement policy based on values shared within the form of organization wherein they operate.
Read MorePrinciples describe and explain the assumptions and implications that underlay the power of positive politics. Each principle has its own logic.
Positive politics, as described here, takes no fixed policy position. Instead we emphasize negotiating and pursuing shared objectives.
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