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For every minute spent organizing an hour is earned. --Ben Franklin

Organization is at the core of politics.

To achieve anything requires organization, and especially so in politics, which involves coordinating individual efforts toward shared priorities. Positive politics expects that we organize for both order and justice, but the form of organization will vary with the size and mission of the group. The larger the group the more hierarchical and regularized your organization needs to be, and the more useful will be written policies and procedures supported by technology. Even with smaller groups, organization is essential to make the best use of time, talent, and treasure. Both staff and volunteers must understand their role and responsibilities and be kept alert to changing circumstances. And the more democratic the organizational structure the better.

Structure your organization around maximum participation

Often it seems that a hierarchical dictatorial organization would be so much easier and faster. Some leaders and many followers feel safer in a dictatorial situation. Those who do not trust easily are often tempted to put their faith in just one leader then follow that leader even to the exclusion of common sense. But all leaders are fallible. A leader is not a god and ought not pretend to be one. While dictatorial leadership can be successful in the short term, it will inevitably lead to discontent and rebellion. On the other hand an organization that is too flat, where too many voices are heard and decisions are delayed can lead to chaos or stasis where too many cooks spoil the broth.

Team Building is key to practical organization

Building effective teams is the heart of the work of organization.

Define roles, train participants, and work together

The organizational structure has to reflect the realities of individual capabilities and group priorities. Roles need to be defined. Participants need to understand their role and responsibilities. Whether you're playing defense on a hockey team or going door-to-door for a political candidate, the organization is responsible to train you for your role. And you are responsible to either carry out your responsibilities or to help restructure the role so that the mission can succeed.